Thursday, November 13, 2008


Here is my post about Halloween... my attempt at picture with the kids in costumes... hmm didn't work so well. The 31st we were in Mankato for the night and part of saturday so that morning I dressed them up and tried to get a good picture of them, but it didn't quite work as planned. We went to Mankato for our first PALS meeting, it's kind of a continuing ed time and support group for Pastors & their family just out of the Seminary. We have the option to be a part of it and those of us who join can be in it for the 1st 3 yrs out of Sem. Since it was the first time meeting Adam & I didn't know how much sitting was going to be required of Joshua and the group had decided to try it the first time without a babysitter (there are other little kids) so we chose to leave Joshua at with friends where he could run, jump, play and farm all he wanted plus lots of attention. Here are my attempts at the costume pictures.. we borrowed a duck costume from my friend Becky for Joshua, but he was a little too tall for it and it didn't fit very well. Joshua didn't want to have the costume on at all, he kept trying to get it off.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

9 Month Baby Girl

Here are some pictures of Miriam and Joshua playing on her 9 month birthday, October, 30th. At her 9 mo. check-up she was 17 lbs 3 oz (25%), 27 1/4 inch long (50%) and her head measured 17 cent. (25%). Yeah, we've got a little squirt, but we've already been over this. She's a crawling pro and maybe a month ago (I can't remember anymore) started walking along furniture. She has her two bottom front teeth and just on sunday I noticed her top left lateral incisor has come through (a "fang" tooth). So she'll look kinda silly for awhile until her top front teeth come in.

Monday, November 10, 2008

More of Joshua the Helper

Whenever I get the Puffs out for Miriam Joshua insists on wanting to feed her. She's fine with it as long as she gets fed, and besides she just LOVES her big brother. Brenda was over yesterday and thought Miriam might be small like she is because she burns all her energy chasing Joshua around. I guess that could be part of it.

Joshua offered to rock his daddy...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A quick trip to G'ma & G'pa Hanson's

Adam was asked to preach for Mission Festival (and conduct the whole church service) on October 19th at the church he was baptized at, attended through second grade and the church his dad first served as Pastor, so we went up there to the rural Lidgerwood area and had a good time. Since we were up that far anyway and Adam has mondays off, we decided that after church and dinner to make the rest of the trip up to Hillsboro for a little visit. The kids not only got to see grandma & grandpa, but we met Tessa in Fargo for supper Sunday night so she could see them Joshua & Miriam too! Here are a few pictures from that weekend.

Miriam wasn't afraid of Buddy at all, she went and sat right next to him.

"Where you going Buddy?"

Helping grandma put a corn cob up for the squirrels.

Feeding the birds with grandma.

Trying out the tricycle with grandma's help.

Visiting grandpa in the field... after being in the tractor with grandpa Joshua decided he wants a tractor too.
Joshua likes feeding Miriam, but I only let him with Puffs or cheerios.

Joshua wanted to hold Miriam, doesn't look like she was quite for it that time.

Sneaking in some time with Joshua's football.

The beginnings of a toothy smile... can you see one of her two bottom teeth?