On Saturday Brenda & Mallory came to play since their plans had changed for the weekend and they weren't going to ND for Easter afterall. We decided to give egg dying a try... it was a mess, but the key was not to get upset at all and just have a good laugh. Thankfully, Miriam slept while we had our adventure. I was planning to dye eggs sometime that day with Joshua, but doing it while Brenda was here sure helped!

The 3 cousins: Miriam, Mallory & Joshua

Having a snack
Putting the orange egg on the rack... oops! it fell to the floor and rolled.
and the orange accidently spilled.
This is what they looked like after dying. With a good soak in the tub all the dye came off their skin. We thought for sure Sunday morning we'd have all kinds of people saying "I know what you did yesterday".

Time to play.
I'm not sure about Mallory, but Joshua had never played with playdoh before. He tried to drink it and yes, tasted it too.

Our results.
Yay! I've been waiting to see how your pictures turned out. The orange sock was our only casualty. ;)
Yeah I've been waiting for your pictures too. I love the way Joshua turned out! What an adventure you all had that day! I like the picture of Joshua and Mallory on the stairs(go figure :P ) with no shirts and looks like Mallory is Nakey..hehee
So Joshua tried to drink play-doh huh...well you know you can make playdoh food, but I'm never heard of the drink...
I am wondering did you guys plan on what Joshua and Mallory were wearing that day??? both wearing character hoodies..pooh cookie monster.. Funny
nope, it wasn't planned!
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