Tueseday morning I had heard Joshua get up but I had fallen back asleep and when I woke up again it was pretty quiet around. I got up and found him sleeping on the floor in the hallway... Last night when I got up in the middle of the night to feed Miriam I was greeted (in a way) in the doorway of her bedroom by Joshua sleeping on the floor. We hadn't heard him get up at all, not sure what time of night he got out of bed. They say it's supposed to be good for you to sleep on the floor!
Aaawww...it's so good to see that he remembered to bring his blanket with.
I'm glad you thought to grap a picture of this..
Keep that child-gate latched!
What a hoot! Joshua cracks me up!
makes you wonder if he just climbs out because he can and wonders a couple steps and lays where he is and falls asleep. Or what else he had been doing..hehe no really like was he really awake and what if he tried to get to you ..or to say hi to Miriam, but at the end of his adventure just decided he liked the floor.
Yes I agree with mom glad to see he remembered about blankey!
ha! this made us laugh!
Yeah I love this picture..he looks sssooo comfy
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