Look how far out I am grandpa! Aunt Brenda brought along a couple baby boats for Mallory and Joshua. It kept Joshua entertained in the water for awhile and we didn't have to be right next to him the whole time making sure he didn't drown.
Both of us playing in the sand.
Being in the water is so much fun.
Getting a little pull.
Ha ha! Look at grandpa try to miss the water!
So much fun!
I just loved dumping water on myself!
Whoops! She eats it like Joshua too.
Joshua's 1st boat ride. We finally squeezed in a ride before leaving to go home. This was probably the happiest he looked, the rest of the time he was almost falling asleep even with the rough waves!
Brenda & Mallory came along for a boat ride too. Mallory seemed to enjoy it a little more or was at least more awake than Joshua, she was clapping and even trying to get down to walk around.
Thank You Grandpa for the boat ride!