Before Joshua turned 2 I got smart and started a list on the fridge, writing down all the words he could say before he was two. For those of you who are curious, here is that list, I have new list going now of words he can say after 2. I haven't decided what the cut off age will be yet.
Hi, pull, socks, foot, feet, more (and the signing it), puppy, baby, ball, church, Joshua (sounds kinda like Josh-sha), bye,bowl, out,ouch, up, no, cheese, hot, uh-oh, please, forty, kitty, moo, one, two, mine, catch (he says it with a "d" like "datch"), cow (also says it with a "d" like "dow), pillow, don't, cookie, hop, shirt, dude, donkey, horsey, thank (he says "tank"), blow, drink, "I got you"
He's added about another 20 words/things to his vocab. One of the exciting ones lately was yesterday we were in the van and the radio had a local church service on, the Pastor said a prayer and after he said amen we heard an amen come from behind us! Joshua said Amen yesterday for the first time, he folds his hands and prays at meal time and bed times, but has never said it before!