Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miriam yelling

Alright, here's the deal... I can't get blogger to upload the video for me, but I got it up on facebook so here's a link to see it on facebook. You're supposed to be able to just click on it and be there, but I can't get that to work either... so open another window and just copy and paste it in. Sorry for making it so difficult. I wish I could just put up here, but I think I need someone to help me figure out why I can't do 3/4 the things everyone else can! Enjoy the video, at least you can control the volume unlike us who can't turn it down (or off) when she's sitting next to us at the dinner table!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm Kasey I understand I can get into Facebook, but for anyone that doesn't have an account...they can't. you need to log in, even if you copy/paste. Sorry for the disapointment
But that's weird this blog thing wont let you do it, you were able to do it before and I remember along time ago I uploaded videos too..Weird