Joshua going down a slide at a park in Tyler, MN
Joshua posing with a hat he got from G'ma & G'pa Harvala when they were in the process of packing up there belongs to move out to Fort Wayne.
Looking cool riding in the van
My babies playing together!
Joshua "reading" to Miriam
Miriam at the park here in Holland
Miriam sat up on her own... now she's a pro at sitting, she can sit up so nice and tall.
Yea! Pictures...I love pictures!
I really like the one of Joshua reading to Miriam. How nice is that?!
Oh, and about your "Indian" costumes...I didn't realize the natives were into pink!
The audience is far enough away you can't even tell what colors the Indian costumes are, plus it's dark (except for the spotlights).
The pictures are soooo cute! Thanks for posting them. I have been patiently waiting!
Wow where to many good pictures! Again how he loves activies outside. Joshua and that little girl couldn't fit any better together on the tire swing. Did they have fun swinging together? Wow Joshua looks old in the picture with Miriam listening to him read. I really really like the picture of Miriam in the grass, kind of reminds me of a professional should totally remember in 17 years to have her take a senior picture Just like that!!! I probably forgot about a few pictures to comment about...So many. its a super fun way to end my day after 3 days of spending ALL my time writing papers!
OH OH I Looked back and can Not believe I forgot about how SUPER DUPER COOOOOOL my lil guy looks with his spiffy trek glasses. And he proves to us again what a poser he can be, with his facial expressions or the way he holds himself.
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