Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fort Wayne trip

Just after our trip to the lake we drove out to Fort Wayne, IN to visit G'ma & G'pa Harvala after they just relocated to the Seminary there (this time mainly to teach, not as much to learn). Here are a few pictures from our stay there. Joshua & Miriam did really well traveling, the key is when you stop somewhere it's to do EVERYTHING - make sure the gas tank is full, feed everyone and change the diapers/use the bathroom, then get back on the road again!

Visiting Grandpa in his dorm room office - Joshua was helping him... with something.

Feeding the ducks at the seminary duck pond.

Playing under the table.

Getting a piano lesson from grandma.


Anonymous said...

Wow look at that BIG smile Miriam has!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Tessa...but which is bigger, her smile or her eyes!
She also looks like she is enjoying the piano weird is that?!!

Looks like Joshua and G'pa Harvala have good times together.