Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I wanna be like you...

Adam has been playing guitar around Joshua since before he was born, he'd even play (and sing) right next to my stomach so Joshua could hear him. All of this playing guitar around Joshua has made such an impact on him that now whenever Adam gets a guitar out Joshua gets super excited and even wants to play it too! It's so cute!
Here are the boys playing nicely together.

Joshua loves his daddy's guitars.

The youth went on a hayride and Joshua & I went along too. Here he fell asleep with Rick, one of the dads.

Joshua thinks he's ready to wear real undies now. He just doesn't understand they don't go over his head to hang around his neck! (They are hard to see, he happened to pick a pair that is pretty much the same shade of blue as his pajamas... and yes, they are clean.)

Sitting nicely on daddy's lap.

Adam was out mowing and it was a nice day so we went outside too. Joshua wanted to do his part and help mow too. (I'm sure his day will come.)


Anonymous said...

what a perfect picture of him smiling ...and standing!!!! Very CUTE!

Brenda said...

He can come help mow at my house! :)